Tuesday, 5 January 2010

The best first information books available anywhere.

Design to give children answers to questions really ask.

24 volumes
768 pages
More than 2.000 bright illustration
871 question-answer forms

It answers demanding questions in an unrivaled child-friendly and informative style, guaranteed to arouse the reader's curiosity and develop reading skills.

Praised for their 'natural and amusing style' - the series combines realistic artwork with cartoons that tease out extra information and fun facts.

Available in 2 language edition:
Aku Ingin Tahu Mengapa (Bahasa Indonesia)
I Wonder Why (English)

More info:
Rika E Triyani (0812 9422049)
Catur M Nurtama (0812 9293094)
(021 71509428)

Oxford Ensiklopedi Pelajar adalah sebuah buku sumber yang menarik dan orisinil. Artikel-artikelnya membahas segala sesuatu yang perlu diketahui dan dibutuhkan oleh para pelajar, serta memberi kesempatan kepada mereka yang pikirannya dipenuhi dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk menjelajahi dunia pengetahuan yang baru dan penuh tantangan. Kesepuluh jilid buku ini membekali pelajar dengan dasar yang kuat di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknik, sejarah, ilmu bumi dan kesenian.

Jilid 1 s/d 8 menguraikan topik-topik bahasan mulai dari Aborigin hingga Zonassi.

Jilid 9 Biografi meliputi riwayat hidup 500 tokoh-tokoh penting di masa sekarang maupun di masa lalu. Indeks pada jilid 9 mengurutkan lebih dari 15.000 entri, Lembar gazatter bangsa-bangsa dunia dan timeline sejarah peradaban dunia.

Suplemen menguraikan tentang pokok bahasan mulai dari Anoreksia hingga vampire juga Biografi meliputi riwayat hidup 58 tokoh-tokoh penting dunia.

"Inilah edisi ensiklopedi terkini yang disajikan dengan tata letak yang jelas, menarik dan mudah dibaca atau digunakan sebagai acuan. Selain sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengasah keterampilan dalam penelitian. Seri Ensiklopedi ini juga sangat membantu untuk penelusuran gagasan baru, membangkitkan minat dan daya pikir, memperluas pengetahuan anak Anda dan kita semua. Setiap rumah, ruang kelas dan perpustakaan wajib memilikinya" (Sue Palmer, Pakar Ilmu Baca dan Aksara)

Semua uraiannya begitu tepat dan dapat dipercaya, mudah digunakan, memuat banyak rujukan silang yang begitu mendukung untuk memacu keterampilan Anda dalam penelitian. Seluruh Informasi di dalam ensiklopedi ini disajikan sangat mantap, padat dan jelas. (Sunday Telegraph)

"Inilah seri pedoman terbaik yang menghidupkan dunia ilmu pengetahuan di dialam pikiran anak-anak Anda." (The Guardian)

Info lebih lanjut:
Rika E Triyani (0812 9422049)
Catur M Nurtama (0812 9293094)

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Wide Eye

The Wide Eye Early Learning Programme is an adventure in storybooks, videos, songs, games, activity books and posters that help develop the 10 key areas of learning.

1. Visual & Observation Skills
2. Listening & Concentration Skills
3. Early Language & Reading Skills
4. Early Mathematical Skills
5. Early Manipulative Skills
6. Self-Help Skills
7. Social & Emotional Development
8. Concepts of Colour, Texture & Time
9. Concept of Position & Direction
10. Spatial Awareness

LOOK at 3 Video-CDs packed with puppetry, cartoon animation, storytelling and real life footage

READ 10 enchanting stories, rich with animal characters and bright pictures

LISTEN to 3 song-a-story audio CDs presented by a cheerful DJ

MAKE & DO video-driven activities, colourful posters and fun-packed activity books

Distributed by "Klitik-Klitik - Inspiring Children"

More Info:
Rika E Triyani (0812 9422049)
Catur M Nurtama (0812 9293094)
(021) 71509428


Hi, everyone!

This blog would be our place to share anything. It could be what we thought, what we see, what we have and (excuse us) what we sell. Anything it is, it would be informative to read.

Happy reading!

rasret cmn

Discover English with Ben & Bella

Your child can discover English just like its mother tongue: effortless, easy and naturally.
It will learn through play, understand through repetition and speak through singing.

multi-media components:
# 6 read along CDs - listen, match, understand
# 6 story books - see, listen, read
# song book & 4 CDs - listen, understand, articulate
# 9 activity books - understand, play, succeed
# 18 DVDs - watch, listen, understand
# sticker book - see, understand, play
# cube puzzle - see, play, succeed

Your child will dive into an exciting surrounding where everything is in English. With its inherent curiosity to discover meanings it will love to watch the funny story lines with their charming characters. It will attentively listen to the catchy rhymes of the songs, browse through the books, listen to the stories, play with the characters and playfully solve the activity exercises.

Because all situations that Ben&Bella encounter are clear and unambiguous your child will "understand" the stories. It will be fun to discover the English language. Being experienced in revealing the meanings of words in its mother tongue, your child has the best possible natural skill to associate new sounds with the meanings of things.

Your child will quickly understand that e.g. the word "flower" has the very same meaning as the word "flower" in your language. This works due to the fact that in the books and on the DVDs the word "flower" is always shown and spoken simultaneously. The overwhelming feeling of success when discovering the meaning of a word through pictures, repetition and variations of a phrase will drive your child to more and more vocabulary.

This way your child can build up a vocabulary of up to 750 words with the Discover English with Ben & Bella program - about the amount of words a three-year-old child speaks in its mother tongue.

Your child will continuously hear the sound and rhythm of the new language and will start articulating the words in the very same way without an accent.

Continuous fun-filled repetition of the sound of the language in stories, music and dance combined with the active play with puzzles, stickers and various activities allows your child to experience the English language with all senses.

Ben&Bella - Kids for Kids GmbH

More Info:
Catur M Nurtama (0812 9293094)
Rika E Triyani (0812 9422049)
(021) 715 09428